300 W Ash, Salina, KS, 67401, US
***Saline County, Kansas Residents ONLY***
Application Deadline: 11:59 pm on November 1, 2024.
Grant Request and Total Project Budget
Applicant Full Name
Full Address
Period of Support Requested
Answer the following questions as clearly and concisely as possible. Please review the Grant Criteria on page 4 of the Guildelines before completing this section of the application, with particular attention to Expected Program Outcomes on page 1.
Upload Project Timeline - If not listed above upload the document here.
Begin by determining your expenses for the proposal. Please detail the specific expenses and revenue types and sources.
Proposal Cash Expenses:
Proposal Income: Proposal Income must equal Proposal Expenses. No funds from the Salina Arts and Humanities Foundation should appear in this budget summary. Please enter the requested grant amount on line 8.
Earned Income sources may include fees, sales, concessions, contracted revenue, applicant’s personal cash, income from endowments, etc.
Total Applicant Income (line 7) must be at least one-third (1/3) of the Total Proposal Cash Income (line 8). This indicates a 1:2 match. For every dollar contributed by the artist toward the project, Salina Arts and Humanities Foundation will match with two dollars. The match may include goods or services that are donated to the applicant and direct expenses associated with the project (examples: cost of studio space, home office, or similar project-related expenses).
In-Kind Contribution:
Any goods or services that are donated to the applicant. For example, a local person or business donates a hotel room. The normal cost of the room ($50) multiplied by the number of nights (3), equals $150 in-kind contribution.
Download Budget Form Fill Document - may need to copy and paste into another window.
Upload Completed Budget Sheet
Upload Resumes or bios of the applicant and any other key project personnel
Upload Letters of Support (3)
Upload Promotional Materials (5 pieces maximum)
Upload Work samples, if applicable (6 digital images maximum, audio or video recordings, literary writing, musical scores. Include title and year in file name.)
Any grant funds received in conjunction with this application will be expended for the activities as described above. Any changes to this application or budget must be submitted in writing and are subject to the approval of the Salina Arts and Humanities Foundation.
Applicant hereby agrees to comply with Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and where applicable, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IV, Section 504, and Title IX prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, handicap or sex.
Grantee's financial records relating to this proposal must be maintained for a period of three (3) years and are subject to periodic audits by SAH. In addition, SAH reserves the right to monitor the grantee to ensure that applicable terms of the grant are being met.
Sign Here
List your first reference below and indicate if the letter of support is attached:
List your second reference below and indicate if the letter of support is attached:
List your third reference below and indicate if the letter of support is attached: